Monday 25 May 2015

Jigsaw Time

Starting preparations for this year's exhibition at Calderglen Country Park. Look out for more info on this in the coming weeks!

Friday 22 May 2015

The Flytrap

Developed on the computer by flipping, rotating and inverting the original ink and pen drawing creating a multi-layered image.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Dots & Circles

One of my final Developmental Drawings, and probably my favourite. Two layers of tracing on a grey background. Black and white markers used to create the mirrored pattern. Looks almost 3D in real life!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Tracing Paper Drawings

A few drawings here for Develop Mental Drawing. These are based on existing drawings and at the moment you can see the wooden table top through the tracing. However they'll be mounted on coloured and/or textured paper to finish them off.

Friday 15 May 2015

Finishing the Globe of Consumerism

So it may not look a whole lot different to what it did a few days ago! However I've added about 100 more pages and now it's complete.

To recap: These are rolled Argos catalogue pages, and the globe is part of a college project

Thursday 14 May 2015

Ready to Fly!

One of the outcomes of my Life's Journey project is to add tweets to rail tickets, then string the tickets to helium balloons, and let them go so they can continue their journey. This is one such ticket in the studio today.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Constructing the Globe of Consumerism

Not finished yet, but this is where the Argos catalogue pages are ending up. More rolled pages to slot in yet.....

Monday 11 May 2015


My video project completes this week, so this was a little light relief!!

Friday 8 May 2015

Green Police Box

As seen in Buchanan Street, Glasgow City Centre. Good to see there's someone artistic in Glasgow City Council!!

It Hears with it's Ears

I've borrowed this recording device to record Tweets taken from Twitter. The topic of the tweets is "Life's Journey" and the resulting audio will be added to videos of railway stations as station announcements!

Confused?? I'll be posting the resulting video once the project has been completed in the next couple of weeks...

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Fort Matilda Train Station.... again!!

Very busy piecing together videos and audio tracks this week. Hopefully I'll be able to post the finished result soon. In the meantime, here's Fort Matilda Train Station in a few different guises!

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Roll up, roll up, see the new Argos catalogue....

An Argos catalogue, but not as you know it...

This project is still under development, but one things for sure - it's going to take lots of pages!!

Monday 4 May 2015

Fort Matilda

Out videoing train stations again today for my Life's Journey project and came across Fort Matilda station in Gourock. I was intrigued by the name and found the following on it's history:  

A district of Greenock, Fort Matilda lies 1½ miles (2.5 km) northwest of the town centre. It takes its name from a coastal battery built on Whiteforeland Point 1814-19 to defend the River Clyde. The fort was renovated in the late 1850s, again in the 1890s to support a minefield which had been built offshore, and refurbished and rearmed for the last time in 1902-04. It was demolished immediately prior to World War II, a factory having been established here to manufacture torpedoes. Battery Park lies adjacent, while Fort Matilda railway station lies a quarter-mile (0.5 km) to the south and there is also an industrial estate here.

Sunday 3 May 2015

More Developments....

More developmental drawing today and a merging of two different drawings into one.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Friday 1 May 2015

Developmental Drawing 2

We had a crit of drawings yesterday and these ones received the most favourable comments!