Thursday 29 June 2017

College - The Best Bits Year 1

I can't believe I've just completed 4 years at college and now have a First Class Honour Degree in Contemporary Art!

It has gone so quickly I thought it might be good to pause and have a look back at some of the things I did, to reflect on these as I move forward as an artist.

First year was an eye-opener for me. I had no previous art education so didn't really know what I was letting myself in for!

Here's some of the highlights:

Life Drawing:

Painting Techniques

Mixed Media

A frying pan, a cork mat and some glowsticks!

3D Eggs

Observational Drawing

Kettle in ink and bleach

Graded Unit - Crossing

Saul Bass inspired Chicken Road Safety

Intro to Photography

Empty Spaces

Natural Forms


The Object

Monday 12 June 2017

College aftermath

You're heading at 100 mph to your goal and you achieve it, and then .... what's next?

Suffering a severe shock to the system this week; no evaluations to hand in, no artwork to get finished by the deadline, no business plan to complete......

All that's left is an empty studio floor :-(

Monday 5 June 2017

A New Chapter

I can't believe that I've just finished college after 4 years, and now have a First Class Honors Degree in Contemporary Art Practice! But my college days are now over, and a new chapter in my life starts as an artist.....

My initial plans are to continue with my theme of The Journey of Saint Mungo, and I'll be working on a guidebook, map and website for the "Saint Mungo Way".

I'm looking into additional funding for this too, and hoping that my entry into the college Innovation competition will give me a kick start for the project.

In the meantime, my "Culross to Glasgow" piece is still in college, and I've been asked to leave it in place for a few weeks.

Website or no website?

I've been contemplating creating an art website for a few months now, but have a few issues with the purpose of having one....

Websites can become rather static unless updated frequently, resulting in visitor numbers diminishing if there is nothing new to see. So perhaps a website with a blog would be better? The blog would be the dynamic, changing, part of the site, and the static elements become an archive or reference part of the site.

So it's a choice of whether to resurrect this blog, or create a new site with a blog......

I need to think about this, so in the meantime, I think I'll start posting again here!